How Social Media is Changing in the US and How We Adapt

Staying Up with the Latest Shifts in Social Media It’s the first thing you check when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you aimlessly scroll through to fall asleep. But how well do you actually know social media? Ask just about anybody these days, and they’ll tell you that social media […]

30 Years of Doing a World of Good

When I founded Pulsar Advertising in October of 1992, the marketing and advertising environment was completely different from what we know today. There were only four major TV news outlets, the first website on the World Wide Web was barely a year old, Bill Clinton was the only U.S. President to have ever sent an email, […]

Major Platform Changes for Online Privacy: What it Means for Marketers

Last week I sat down with Nicholas Leach, the Digital/Social Director here at Pulsar, to talk about recent and approaching privacy changes from the major social media and digital platforms and what they mean for us as digital marketers. Here’s a bit of our conversation: Susan: Hey, Nick. Thanks for taking a minute to talk to […]

What’s Inspiring Hope in 2021

As we approach the one-year mark since COVID-19 turned the world upside down, we’re focused on signs of recovery and renewal. Thank goodness, the signs are getting brighter, clearer and more widespread. 3 hopeful pieces in particular we’re enjoying right now– Via The Baltimore Sun 1) President Biden has long been a fan of trains and […]

How We Stay On-Track While Working From Home

Gone are the days of the bustling office environment (at least for now). Home offices and bedroom desks are our new workplaces. Working from home comes with a lot of freedom, but without the in-person office rhythm most of us had prior to March, it’s easy to get distracted and lose focus. The Pulsar Team […]

COVID-19: Is there a doctor in the house?

Account Supervisor Sande Snead and Pulsar founder Alberto Gonzalez spoke with Dr. Stanley Ng– Pulsar Advertising Partner and Healthcare Marketing Strategist– about the coronavirus in New York City. He has been treating around 30 geriatric patients via telemedicine at his private practice in Chinatown. At the time of this video interview, about half of his […]

The value of 360° brand development and ownership – Part 3 – Brands are Evolving

In Part 1 of the value of 360° brand development, we discussed the value of collaboration and in Part 2 we explored what were the keys to success. In Part 3, we explore how brands and ownership of brands are evolving. Historically, brands have been “owned” by the organizations, products, or services themselves. This means that the majority of […]

Public Transportation After Social Distancing: Reimagination and Recovery

We’re in a dark moment for public transportation, and for what we think of as normal life in general. As COVID-19 tightens its global grip and squeezes the air out of all of us, it’s hard to see the path ahead for public transportation. There are just so many obstacles to overcome before we can […]

The value of 360° brand development and ownership – Part 2

In Part 1 of the value of 360° brand development, we discussed the value of collaboration. In Part 2, we’ll explore the Keys to Success for developing an authentic, engaging, and aspirational brand with longevity. Keys to SuccessThere are 4 keys to successfully creating the best brand. They include: A 360° perspective including a Brand Development Team […]

The value of 360° brand development and ownership – Part 1

Pulsar has a unique niche of developing and re-imagining brands for public and private sector clients that often involve complex products, services or organizations. Our specialty is helping our clients navigate and actively participate in the brand development process. It’s important to start with the fundamental nature of what a brand is. For us, a […]


As we charter through life, it can be extremely easy to get caught up in our own endeavors. At times, I find myself so focused on my day-to-day responsibilities I lose perspective on what is truly important. Serving others. Serving my family, friends, and community is the epitome of Doing A World of Good. My encouragement to anyone reading this is to live with the understanding that each person you meet has significant value. With that appreciation, by default, you begin to act more out of kindness, compassion, and selflessness which leads to Doing A World of Good.